Thursday, May 29, 2008

The countdown is on!!!!

Only a few more days left of Rylee's 'infancy' and now she is on to her toddler years! My beautiful baby girl is turning ONE very soon, and not only that, will be a BIG SISTER! We find out tomorrow whether she is having a baby brother or a baby sister and we are oh so excited! Rylee is WALKING like crazy! She took her first steps at 10 months, and by 11 months, was cruising along! IT still brings a smile to my face to see her wobbling and balancing along, falling here and there as she is learning all about balance and control. She is giving kisses now, and it couldn't be more sweet! Sometimes she will kiss you with her mouth open wide, and sometimes like normal, sometimes she will make the kissy sounds, and sometimes she just touches her lips to you. She is such a sweet loving little girl. Still totally a momma's girl for now, but she sure has her daddy wrapped around her little finger! She is saying momma, daddy, and duck a lot. She also points to everything and says 'dat' 'dat'. She is such a little explorer and learning new things every moment. Her favorite thing to do now is open the doors in the kitchen and bathroom, so we are prepping to start baby proofing most things, however, we also want her to learn that it isn't ok to be opening up doors and drawers and she is taking to it pretty well. Rylee can roll her tongue and make lots of fun sounds, momma can't roll her tongue, so Daddy and Rylee like to sit and roll tongues at eachother and laugh that momma can't do it. We just ordered her a big girl car seat which comes tomorrow and she will soon be facing forward. She is over 30 inches tall now (very tall for her age) and about 22 pounds. Her hair is starting to grow in a lot more and is a bit longer, it is coming in very blonde in some patches, but overall, she still has her reddish hair which I hope will stay with her. She absolutely LOVES the water! We have passes to Seaworld and Aquatica and we have been taking her there nearly every single weekend since we've bought them. She has her on and off days with eating foods, sometimes she is the best eater and sometimes she just doesn't care to eat at all. She loves bananas and raisins, and rice. I would say those are her favorites. She eats oatmeal and waffles for breakfast mostly and she loves drinking from straws. We have started to wean her off formula and onto whole milk and she is taking to it very well. We haven't taken the bottle away yet and we're not sure yet what we are going to do about that. We also need to decide what we're going to do with her paci. She isn't very attached to her paci, expect for at night it soothes her, so we may continue to use it at night for a few more months. She recognizes herself in mirrors and pictures and always giggles when she sees people she knows in photographs. She loves her books and learning videos, and loves to play outside. She loves music and animals, bubbles, and slides.
I have lots of pictures to post for you and hope to add them in due time! We are planning a ladybug party for her at Grandma and Grandpa Reedyk's house. (A pool party) and I have soo many fun things planned for her! I just can't believe my little baby girl is growing up so fast before me, but this day will be very special for me and I can't wait to see her interact with her friends and family and to TEAR INTO HER BDAY CAKE!!!! I will be sure to post her birthday with you all!!!