Tuesday, October 9, 2007

My Latest Fashion.....

Rylee just loves to be carried in a sling and momma loves it too! It really comes in handy when Rylee wants to be close and momma has to vacuum! Thank you to my Aunt Roni for this awesome gift!!! :)
I have sooo soo many pictures to add but it seems that any time I sit down on the computer to do something I get hollered at by everyone because they say I am on the computer too much.... well how else am I suppose to get this done!! Rylee's costume finally arrived yesterday and we quickly put it on her.... it is soooooooooooooo adorable!! can't wait to do pictures in it!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Growing Up Way Too Fast!!

Well, just as we discovered that Rylee was getting her first tooth we realized that she was also getting her second!!!!! Both of them are on the bottom! She is also starting to sit up very well all by herself, now she is not 100% and will eventually tumble over, but she is sitting up sooo very well... I was able to get some gorgeous pictures this weekend of her sitting up outside on her colorful blanket!! She is also big enough now to play in the jumperoo and the excer-saucer! She absolutely LOVES them!!! She actually cried once this weekend because we took her out of it and she wanted back in it, LOL!!!! We went and visited the Folckemer's this weekend too and we took a lot of pictures so I will have to get them uploaded! Rylee still loves the water and loves to swim! Her MIMI got her a new cute bathing suit too!! We are also trying to get Rylee use to wearing shoes. I don't think she's crazy about having them on her feet so I figure if we introduce it a little at a time, she'll soon become fond of them!! LOL
We're still waiting for her Halloween costume to arrive but Rylee is going to be.... (drum roll please).... a BUTTERFLY for Halloween!! Trust me, I'll post pics once the costume arrives :)

Friday, October 5, 2007

Fun at Monkey Joe's with Miss Sara :)

Story and more pictures to come...................

Monday, October 1, 2007

See what I've been up to!

Rylee has totally been trying to suck her thumb lately! It's soooo super cute, however we don't want to encourage it.... I couldn't pass up this picture!!

We are trying to give her a paci when she does this, but she totally prefers her thumb! It's funny how she just discovered it one day! I think she likes it soo much because she is teething and she can gnaw on her thumb to soothe her gums!

We also got some super cute pictures of Rylee in her room! Since she is never home except for on the weekends, we try to spend as much time in there as we can! We love to read her stories and play on her pink rug!! BTW, she is getting soooo good at tummy time, and she is so strong with her standing and sitting up!!!

We pulled out her jumper that we hang from the door and I caught this super cute moment from her in her jumper, I just love this picture!

We went and visited my friend Randi and we of course had to take some pictures! Rylee loves her Aunt Randi and Randi spoils her to pieces!!!!!!!

and lastly, here are two recent pictures that I just LOVE!!!! My baby girl is growing up soo fast!!! She didn't really care too much for that pot we stuck her in... it looks like she is saying "Mom, why must you stick me in these crazy things?!!"

until next time................

Rylee's been sick :( Her first time...

My poor baby, breaks my heart!!! She got the RSV virus and has bronchiolitis (not to be confused with bronchitis). She has been such a trooper and still sooo happy, even though I know she has to be miserable! We took her to the Doctor and we have to give her nebulizer treatments three times a day. She is very intrigued as to what we are putting over her nose and mouth and she wants to hold it by herself! It's so cute! She has a pretty bad cough and I would do anything to take the sickness away.... :( The Doctor said this virus usually lasts for about 2 weeks and she probably caught it from traveling (the plane, or public transportation). Needless to say, the whole family has gotten sick now, I just hope we don't continue to pass it to eachother.