Friday, August 29, 2008

A Few Shots From Grassy Lake Road

A few more weeks and Rylee is going to be a big sister, I'm due mid October with Haylee, but wondering if there is a chance she'll come a little bit early. We drove out near Grassy Lake Road and took a few pictures right outside of the car by all the greens. I love the deep coloring here! We headed out at about 7:30, The sun was going down and we were losing light rather quickly. Rylee is soon to be 15 months old!

I really wanted the greens to pop in this one, She has a way of always finding sticks, and she loves her sticks, let me tell you!

I added a little bit of texture to this one!

I just love her to pieces!

Such a happy little girl!

Rylee seems to be picking up new words every day. We've noticed her finally start to say "thank you' now. All of a sudden, she has seemed to develop an attachment to her paci, which was never the case before, and we only ever used it when she went to bed at night, so we weren't really worried about taking it away from her so quickly, but now it looks like we will be in for a battle. We're debating on whether we should start now, before Haylee comes, or after. I'm sure Rylee won't be too pleased if Haylee gets to have a paci. Oh the joys of parenting :)
Rylee definitely loves her bath time too, she knows when its bath time and she will run straight to the bath tub to wait for you to put her in, it's really super cute! She is starting to not like brushing her teeth again, the electric toothbrush really worked wonders for a while, but now it's nothing new and she hates it when we force her to brush her top teeth, all other teeth are fine, but those top teeth are off limits in her opinion, LOL.
She is also a little book nut, we probably read the same books over and over and over and over about 5 times a night. It is pretty cute though. I'm really glad that she is into books at such an early age!
It's just so amazing to watch them learn and grow, I can't believe how fast it happens right before your eyes!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Fun At Old Town

Rylee is such the picky eater right now, but it never fails, she loves her spaghetti! And what a fun lovely mess it makes, but isn't it just the cutest?

My belly sure is growing! We are soo ready to meet little Miss Haylee. We took Rylee to Old Town to visit with the Folckemer's and to see all the old cars of course! We had a great time! Here are a few snapshots I got of Rylee while we were there! I also have some pictures of the boys that I will be getting around to editing later!

(I don't know what the deal is with my oversharpening of this picture? My hair looks crazy here)

Kisses from Jayden! This is the cutest!!!!!!!!

This was taken having fun at home, she got way too close to the camera!!! LOL

Just another fav of mine, I love her facial expressions and find this one to be soo cute! She just makes me melt!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Rylee's First Year with Miss Sara!

Today is a sentimental day for me. One year ago today, I dropped Rylee off for the first time as I had to return to work. We have been truly blessed to have the best care provider for Rylee while we are away at work. I would like to dedicate this entry to Sara, and to look back upon Rylee's first year with her and her family! Words can not express the gratitude that I have for her, for all that she has done for Rylee and for us. She has seen Rylee through all of her first year's milestones and celebrated them with us along the way. They have a true bond and friendship that I hope lasts a lifetime! Sara kept a journal for us of Rylee's adventures each day and it was so great to be able to read it everyday and have that memory of all that they did together. It really made you feel like you were there with them! I'd love to be able to stay home with our kids, and be there with them, but I am so glad that we are able to find someone like Sara to be there in our place. Sara has taught Rylee some sign language to help communicate, she takes her to the library for storytime and songs, they play outdoors and go on adventures with the wagon exploring nature, they play in the water hose, they have circle time in which she teaches them the current curriculum, she paints and plays with arts and crafts with her, she remembers us on Mother's and Father's Day with craft projects, she teaches all of the holidays and is very festive for all of them.... She has been soo wonderful and such a great teacher and mentor in Rylee's life. We are soo very excited for her to take care of Haylee as well and to guide her in the same direction as she has with Rylee.....

Please enjoy these pictures with me of Rylee's time spent with Miss Sara while we are away! Thank you soo much Sara for capturing these memories for us and always sharing in all the fun you have!!! I don't know how you do it, but you're amazing! Thank you!!

(sorry, they are not going to be in order)

This picture was one of the first pictures Sara took for us, she is probably 3 months old here and Sara is giving her the bottle that I pumped for Rylee and Logan is being a big help to his momma!

Rylee's first trip with Sara to Monkey Joes!

Finger painting her leprechaun hat for St Patrick's Day!

vroom vroom!

one of many 'rides' Rylee plays with at Miss Sara's!

three little red heads!! (this was at Christmas time)

First trip to the zoo! The dinosaurs scared Rylee a little bit.

Logan is such a big help! He's like a big brother to Rylee

The three little redheads! :)

On a stroller ride, being so cute!

Playing at the playground


Caitlyn playing with the balls with Rylee

this face is too cute for words! This was before she was walking

ready to eat!

vroom vroom! Future top fuel dragster!

Always playing dress up at Miss Sara's, letting their imaginations wander!!

Eating some solid food in her mesh net! She loved these, but it was soo messy!

Who, Me? I'm a Princess!! More dress up!

fun at the playground again

Music fun, dancing, playing instruments, singing! Fun times!

Wow, she was soo little! was she really that little?

At Logan's school I think? Rylee LOVES the swing!

First snapshot of Rylee crawling!!

hugs from logan, logan is being gentle here (lol)

dress up fun!

fun with Miss Sara at the zoo!

playing house

how fun!

learning textures and playing with the ball

Fun at Chuck E Cheese! They're like sisters!

Weeeeeeeeeee! fun with logan