Friday, June 22, 2007

Labor and Delivery - Rylee's Arrival *6.8.07*

Well Mommy went in for her last scheduled appointment on Thursday, June 7th. I was 39 weeks and 5 days pregnant with you! Mommy was only 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced and you weren't moving around as much as you use to so the Dr decided to send us upstairs to be induced! You were going to be on your way!
Mommy was given Cervidil to start induction and to help Mommy to thin out. The medicine had to be used for 12 hours and they gave it to me at 6:30pm on thursday night. Mommy and Daddy were too excited and we didn't sleep much that night. We tried to watch "So You Think You Can Dance" and we stayed up almost all night. The beds weren't very comfortable. At 6:00 in the morning, they came in to check on Mommy and to see how the medicine was working. Mommy was able to take a quick shower and then they started giving me Pitocin which started my labor and brought on stronger contractions. At 10:11 am they broke Mommy's water. The pitocin was giving me very strong irregular contractions which were starting to become very painful. Mommy would have a string of 7 contractions all in a row and then it would break for only a minute and then I would have a string of 7 more. It was like being in active labor for the entire time. 4:00 finally came around and mommy was only at 2 cm and my body wasn't really kicking in gear - the pitocin was the only thing that kept the labor going. You were handling the contractions sooo good and your heartrate was just perfect throughout everything. Mommy finaly got her epidural around this time and it made mommy fall asleep for 2 hours!!! When I finally woke up, I had finally progressed to 6 cm and only 15 minutes later I felt the urge to push. I had your Daddy go and get the nurse and when she checked again, it was time to start pushing! We tried some practice pushes and you were all ready crowning! Mommy had to wait to make sure the Doctor would make it in time. Mommy only had to push a few times and you were born at 6:14pm weighing 8 pounds 10 ounces and 20 3/4 inches long! You were such a beautiful healthy baby! They placed you on Mommy's chest and I got to hold you for your first 15 minutes of life while the nurses cleaned you up! Daddy was so wonderful during the labor and Mommy couldn't have done it without him! Daddy cut your cord.

Grandma and Grandpa Reedyk, Mimi and Grandpa 'G', Uncle Ryan and Stephanie, and Uncle and Aunt Mike and Joanne were all waiting to visit you in the waiting room! You had your first bath in the nursery and everyone watched you from the window, Mommy and Daddy were next by to you! Toni and Brandon also came to visit you that night.

Rylee you are loved ever so much and we were so happy to finally meet you and hold you and love you and kiss you! You melt our hearts and we love you so very much! It's a feeling I can't even begin to decribe! You are our everything!

1 comment:

Kristi said...

I'm sitting her bawling at the picture of you holding Rylee a few seconds old. Brings back so many memories. I just couldn't be happier for you guys. We love you so much!