Monday, November 24, 2008

Happy Halloween

Halloween was so much fun this year. Rylee was old enough to 'grasp' the concept and she had a ball! Rylee was a cowgirl and Haylee was her baby cow. Rylee's costume was borrowed and made from Miss Sara. We bought the bandana and hat to match. She got soo many compliments and was such a cute little cowgirl. Haylee was the cutest cow ever too!
We decided to stay home and trick or treat around our neighborhood. When we went to the first house, Rylee was shy and scared and we thought "oh great, this isn't going to work", but once they dropped candy into her basket... she was All About It!!! and was fine from that moment on. Rylee wouldn't say trick or treat, or thank you, but we did get her to say "bye' to the people and we said thank you in her place. Rylee absolutely LOVED her bucket, and she wouldn't let you hold it for anything. Even when it started getting super heavy, she was so adament not to put it down or to let you hold it for her. She would stop along the way and try to eat her candy, but overall she did so great!
Some of the homes were decorated with lights and blow up pumpkins, Rylee loved that soo much, almost made it impossible to get her to the doors because she just wanted to stare at the decorations. I know that Christmas is going to be soo exciting this year!

Here are some of their costumes

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