Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Some Recents

Just wanted to share a few recent shots of Rylee. She is really growing up super speed! It is soo much fun to see how fast she is picking new things up. Rylee now knows where her head, ears, eyes, nose, tongue, hands, and feet are. She does all the hand motions to the songs, "Head, shoulders, knees, and toes", "Itsy bitsy spider", "Ring around the Rosie", and "This little piggie". She has also added clock, cat, shoes, that's hot, and papa to her vocabulary. She is still using her sign language very well to communicate 'more' and 'milk/drink' to us. She LOVES her learning videos and sing a long tapes and gets super excited when you start them for her. She also knows how to turn them on and off. She absolutely LOVES the outdoors and would be out there sweat or rain all day if she could. She loves her slide and will literally go up and down her slide nearly a thousand times if you let her.... She's a huge fan of ringing the door bell, knocking, and saying "come-in" and waving hello.... She is such a joy to Mitch and I and we just can't get enough of her cuteness!!! btw, we are going to try to put Rylee into dance classes starting at 18 months. She just loves to dance around the house, and she is doing this thing lately where she prounces around on her tip toes, very cute!!

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

So sweet! She is getting toward that toddler stadge :) Trust me, it gets even more exciting and CUTE! I bet she'll love dance classes. :)